Thursday, June 2, 2011

Life is Symphonic.

I have come to the conclusion that Music speaks its own language, different from the language of words; and that where words sometimes get jumbled up and difficult to understand, Music is like a native language to most everyone, for it speaks to the heart, where no words are needed. And all of us have a heart – a heart that yearns for the sort of comfort a kind voice such as Music’s sweet sonority can soothe us with, if only for a little while. Although we may not always make perfect sense of it – our heart, our feelings, thoughts and emotions, the music – the strength to be still and peacefully rest in the knowledge that in the end, everything will in fact work out wonderfully for the good of our lives, seems to find us anyway. So when you’re singing along to an unfamiliar tune, a song of which you neither know the duration nor the end, just relax and listen to the music, because it’s a work of art bursting with beauty and love, every single note brimming over with hope. Put your faith in the Music Maker, for he makes every lonely melody intertwine with the rest to form the perfect song - a harmonious melding of each and every moving part into the birth of a symphony, held together by Heaven’s strings, one chorus with many voices, united in glory under the Sun. Therefore, friends, do not give up on singing your song, because you were made to be a part of that symphony; it just wouldn’t be the same without you.

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