Sunday, October 23, 2011

Good Night, and Good Luck.

The following video is a trailer for the 2005 film, Good Night, and Good Luck. We watched this movie in one of my classes recently: very powerful and inspiring; utterly brilliant and beautiful. Rather than write about all the wonderful words spoken (and sung) in this film, I decided to simply post some of Ed Murrow's speeches, for I probably couldn't put them into words of my own even if I wanted to or tried. I highly recommend seeing the whole movie in context after viewing these clips. Enjoy.

And with that said, I'll let Mr. Murrow do the talking.

(These two clips are from the same speech. The latter picks up approximately where the former leaves off. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one video containing the whole speech on YouTube.)

(This one is from Ed Murrow's original 1958 See It Now speech.)

I wouldn't change a word.

Goodnight, and Good Luck.

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