Friday, December 30, 2011

Once Upon A Dream.

As we do drown in deepest sleep,
Submerged in seas of so-real dreams,
They wash us, cleanse us, make us new,
Yet there is nothing we can do
To put a stop to the kick and drop
That shocks us so we do float up
Back to land and consciousness
Forgetful of the time we spent
Dancing on the balcony
And whispering in the garden
Secrets shown for us to see
As they'd never be forgotten
For soon it all amounts to naught
As back to busy life we're brought
Awakened to the morning rays
And all the glories of the day
Walking out into the sun
A brand new story just begun
Unraveling the former seams
Which wrapped us in our former dreams
And sewing new and noble themes
Into life's rainbow tapestry.

© 2011-2012 Rayla.

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