Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Jesus Provides Rayla With Cough Drops"

When Jesus landed and saw a family with a coughing Rayla, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. As evening approached, Rayla's mom said, “Our medicine cabinet is a very coughdropless place, and it’s already getting late. Go to bed Rayla, so you can finish looking for some cough drops and then get some rest.” Jesus replied, “She does not need to go to bed yet. You give her some cough drops.” “We have here only two lemon Halls and one cherry Ludens,” the family answered. “Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to gather at the foot of the stairs. Taking the two lemon Halls and the one cherry Ludens and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and unwrapped the cough drops. Then he put them in Rayla's mom's purse, and Rayla's mom fished through her purse and pulled them out to give them to Rayla. Rayla had the perfect amount of cough drops to get through the night, and Rayla's mom ended up pulling three bonus cherry Halls out of her purse. The number of total cough drops supplied were about six, besides the two Rayla had previously found.

~Matthew 14:14-21... kind of.

True story.

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